Sunday, April 6, 2014

Marissa Ann Mayer- CEO of yahoo!

Marissa Ann Mayer (born May 30, 1975) is currently the CEO of yahoo(Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle) and is the youngest women CEO of a company.

She graduated from Stanford University with honors and specialized in artificial intelligence (the booming field today) . She worked in UBS lab,Zurich.She was the 20th employee of Google and played key roles in Mayer held key roles in Google search, google images, google news , google maps, google books, google product search ,google toolbar and gmail. Mayer was named to Fortune magazine's annual list of America's 50 Most Powerful Women in Business in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 with ranks at 50, 44, 42, 38 and 14 respectively. In 2008, at age 33, she was the youngest woman ever listed. Mayer was named one of  Women of the Year in 2009.

The video I found in youtube about Marissa Mayer impressed me more. And for those of you who are reading this, please do go and check about Marissa on youtube.

She told in one of the interviews that when all her friends chose to go for modeling, she wanted to do something different, explore new things and wanted to achieve greatness and she thanks herself for taking that initiative to deviate from modeling and go into the technical field.

What I learnt out of this is that you are never too young, nor too old to achieve something. She is a technocrat which is something I aspire to be and one of my role models.Be brave to be different.believe in yourself

“If not now!. Then when?”

She is indeed a true inspiration...

Sunday, August 25, 2013

To Live a Life as a Women


(For people living in another world, let me mention, when I say women, I mean little girls, young girls and women).
Let us find the reason for why women feel it is difficult to live their life?

My Question for all the girls/ women—
You don't like your body?
I don’t think so! IT’S SO CURVACEOUS!
So, you don't like every men looking at your body with that desperate look to eat you, use your body against your will, and then dump it?That is justified!
Do you consider it unjust that you have to face all the pain, PMS cycle every month, bear the pain and give birth to another life?
Well, I Guess, You would be proud of yourself!
You don't like the fact that in spite of being strong enough to manage with the PMS cycle every month, bear the pain and give birth to a child you are considered weak, which is clear from how you are treated in the society?
Justified again. .!

Well, the reason that you don't like every men looking at your body with that desperate look to eat you, use your body against your will, and then dump it is justified, if you step in the shoe of a women.
If u don't agree, just take a minute and review you memory when you read RAPE Cases in the newspaper daily, hear new cases of sexual harassment, and also see men looking at you with that weird look, whistling at you, passing lewd comments, and all other Cat calls. .

Now, another reason that is women don't like being considered weaker sex, when they don't think they are. .I don’t like to mention it again and again, that too when it should be crystal clear, ‘’WHAT WOMEN ARE CAPABLE OF DOING’’?
So how would they manage being categorized in the sexes as ‘’THE WEAKER SEX’’?

The reason for their thought processes to turn to the direction, that, ''It is difficult to live life as a woman'' is a reality but not appreciated, not by me at least.
If you have a problem, you must come up with a solution.
The problem is going on since ages, the authorities are doing what they wish (which is not the best that they can), but anyways, what are you doing to keep yourself safe, except blaming men??

Not all men are the same, Agreed! But it is unexceptional to see such mindset among women, seeing the current situation.
Women, who face it, hate it! Now, 90% of women face it. But how many of them are willing to change it?
Quite less! Arghh!
It’s not that they can't change it. They can do anything, if giving birth to another innocent life is possible for them.

The truth lies in the fact that till the women would think they are the weaker sex, they will be supressed for sure. They must revive, unite and throw this old-fashioned approach of life out of their brains if they want to get the respect and honor they deserve….

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Footprints of everlasting memories


Within the deepest corner

Lies the beauty

Beauty of utmost innocence

Yet to be conquered.

The world longing for a peace driver

Below lies a wonderful serenity

The beautific essence

Yet to be discovered.

Heart of a slow River

Within lies no Guilty

The smile bearing the Elegance

The world shall be recovered .

vision of a better world

Educate a man, you educate a person.. educate a women, then you educate the nation.
Women are good multi-taskers, listeners, managers . Then why aren’t many women leading in the society today? Female infanticide, child marriage, women abuse still exits in the world today. There is a talk about equality everywhere around, but equality to what extent? Are women let free? Even if they are free, are they free from inside? Each person know the answer within. We don’t seek for a change, but we make a change in the society.
We believe, Women stands for a World Of Most Empowered Nations. If we can empower a women, she will empower the nation.
Empowerment should happen from scratch. Empowering girls right from scratch to be better leaders is what we believe in. Generally, girls drop out or are made to drop out of schools right after 10th standard. The way to stop that is by guiding them towards glory; explain the need of education for a women, explain boys as to why they should support this cause, give them the courage to lead, motivate them to dream big, inspire them and they shall inspire others.
We have a vision to reach all over India to empower women. We are basically targeting the government school kids. The reason why they are chosen is to guide them right from the scratch, help them to study better, give them the courage that they can do anything, cut out that feeling in them which stops them from standing up and talking, drive them to study better, motive them to pursue their dreams, give them a feeling that anything is possible if they believe.

Empowering WOMEN, empowering ourseleves.......

25 reasons why a women should lead

  1. Multi-tasker
  2. Sacrifice without having second thoughts.
  3. Stronger communication skills
  4. Good listener
  5. Great decision makers
  6. friendly
  7. Most caring
  8. Capable of tolerating all situations
  9. Deals problems with utmost care and concern
  10. They have the strength to take risks
  11. Stronger mentally and emotionally
  12. Willingness to do more
  13. Complete Dedication
  14. Self confident
  15. Great Conviction
  16. happy most of the time
  17. keeps a smile on her face at any instant
  18. a true winner
  19. urge to learn
  20. good managers
  21. provide moral support
  22. can get along well with anyone
  23. spreads happiness
  24. Most importantly… they love what they do
  25. If she can keep her family happy.. then let her rule.. she will keep the country happy

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Empowering Women through education..

Every woman has a different story. We see it in her face, note it in the way she interacts with her community and family, understand that she is the culmination of her collective experiences.

Yet not all women’s stories have happy endings. In developing countries, girls tend to inherit the poverty status of their mothers. Many girls are exposed to abuse or virtually enslaved in their homes and never get the chance to break the cycle of poverty. Also in developing nations, there are limited employment opportunities for women, so many don’t see the need to go to school. By circumstance, the worldviews of girls are often narrowed to the point of mere sustenance living, with no time or regard for their own foreseeable future.

Fortunately, this has been changing in recent decades. Across the globe, girls and women have made enormous strides in advancing their station in life; becoming leaders in their communities, improving the quality of life for themselves and their children, and increasing their lifetime earning potential. What has been a common thread for these women? Education.

Not having access to education can be an enormous barrier for girls in developing countries.Especially in rural areas, the education of girls can be a complex issue. Students sometimes have to walk miles to the closest school, which is a deterrent for their attendance. The majority of housework and chores is performed by women and girls, meaning they have less time for studies.

“Great thought needs to be given to enhancing the teaching curriculum and to bringing in more vocational training. This would benefit young girls and women who do not attend secondary school, giving them a chance for economic independence and weaning some of them away from the problems associated with early marriage.”Often girls in developing countries are forced into early marriage and motherhood, which limits their ability to attend school.

Education clearly changes the lives of girls and young women for the better. It breaks the cycle of poverty, helps creates role models within communities, and provides better employment opportunities and cultivating leaders. In developing countries, education gives girls a reason to think beyond the next day, and in all cases, the chance to help and invest in others. Education levels the playing field between men and women. And universally, education unleashes the power of future generations of women, giving us all the privilege of living in a better world.

Whatever you do to help women get an education this month (or any other point in the year), know that you are empowering them to rewrite their life stories for the better!


“A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform.” - Diane Mariechild

Among the most intensely discussed issues of today is the upliftment of women. The issue has attracted attention from all walks of life, creating both controversies and emotional response. The basic problem facing this is the absence of an exact solution. Due to cultural variations in different parts of the world, each society requires a unique treatment of uplifting its womenfolk.
From time immemorial, women have been subdued in one form or other by the society dominated by men. ‘In the year 586 of the Christian era, a conference was called in Europe to decide whether a woman possessed a soul or not. The conference, however, decided in a too liberal spirit that woman was a portion of humanity and as such possessed a soul. But her sole duty was to serve man’.

In accordance with the victory of materialism, woman of the present is also utilized by the male-dominated world as an object of material gains only. As a person, she has not received the attention she deserves.

To add to this problem, the modern media has contributed to her identity crisis. She is forced to take up the profession as dictated by the society. In the fight for equality, she has become close to man in independence with respect to income and living. But psychologically, she is still ruled by the dictates of a patriarchal world.

Thus the issue of upliftment of women has taken serious turns, some of which that were never expected even by the feminist movement. The important question is whether the upliftment of women should be done regardless of her psycho-physiological nature or without any such considerations.

Some countries provide special reservations to women in job opportunities. They also enjoy a certain provision in political institutions of the country. But despite such concessions, ladies produce little results. They are not actively involved in the decision making process, whether at home or office.

Although women have maintained a better career track record in the West, very few top companies have female executives. This indirectly exposes the real nature of modern civilization. And in spite of the hue and cry about women’s rights, the harassment at workplaces is on the rise.

Therefore upliftment should not be a mere legislative exercise. It is in fact to teach ‘Her’ the real value of her own self as an individual. She herself has to discover her own position and honor. From the land of whims and fancies, she has to migrate to the land of action and spiritual awakening. Her upliftment lies inside her, not in the hands of governments and media. She should rise above the status of a mere ‘object of desire’ to a respected and honored individual. Material upliftment alone is not sufficient for this. A purified heart also plays a crucial role.